+39 059 4270723 info@forestepersempre.it
+39 059 4270723 info@forestepersempre.it

Guardias Ecológicas Voluntarias

The Volunteer Ecological Guards (GEV) consist of dedicated individuals who passionately devote their free time to safeguarding and preserving the environment. They are active in numerous regions across Italy, working collaboratively with both public and private organizations. Their primary goal is to ensure adherence to environmental laws while fostering ecological awareness among the public, highlighting important issues related to nature and the environment.

  • Environmental surveillance : they are dedicated to the careful and continuous control of parks, nature reserves and all green areas, ensuring their protection. Furthermore, they conduct monitoring and verification activities to ensure compliance with environmental regulations, contributing to the protection of natural ecosystems.
  • Education and Awareness: They are dedicated to informing the public, schools and local communities about best practices for environmental protection. They organize events and distribute informational materials to raise awareness about various environmental issues. Through these activities, they aim to promote greater commitment and responsibility in protecting the environment.
  • Civil Protection: They are actively involved in relief operations during adverse events, such as natural disasters, which may include floods, forest fires and earthquakes. These situations require rapid, effective and well-coordinated intervention to ensure the safety and well-being of the people involved. Their main objective is to minimize risks and provide immediate support to the affected communities, working in close collaboration with other emergency forces and organisations to ensure a prompt and adequate response.

Since the 1990s, the Volunteer Ecological Guards (GEV) of the Province of Modena have been actively involved in international cooperation for the protection of nature, biodiversity and the study of climate change through the project “Foreste per Sempre” (Forests Forever) . This project aims to defend and conserve natural systems and biodiversity, with particular attention to forests.

From this project and twenty years of experience, the current Foreste per Sempre OdV Association was born.

The first course of the Volunteer Ecological Guards (GEV) of Modena, organized according to the Emilia-Romagna Regional Law n. 2/77 , was a very important event for the training of new volunteers. Conducted in 1987, the course offered a series of in-depth theoretical lessons and a variety of practical exercises. These activities were designed to prepare participants for the different responsibilities and tasks of the GEV, including environmental surveillance, as well as community education and awareness.

Environmental surveillance is a fundamental activity carried out by the Volunteer Ecological Guards (GEV) . This service plays a crucial role in monitoring and protecting the natural environment, ensuring that environmental laws and regulations are respected at all times.

GEV environmental monitoring activities include:

  • Control of Parks, Reserves and Green Areas : patrolling and monitoring of parks, nature reserves and other protected areas, aimed at preventing and reporting illegal behavior. Such behavior includes the abandonment of waste, vandalism and any action that may damage the flora and fauna present.
  • Water surveillance: a fundamental activity that involves the constant monitoring of rivers, lakes and waterways to prevent any form of pollution. This process is essential to guarantee water quality, protecting the environment and public health through rigorous and continuous control.
  • Verification of correct waste disposal: careful monitoring and control to ensure that citizens and companies fully comply with current waste disposal regulations. This process ensures that everyone follows the guidelines established for responsible waste management, contributing to a cleaner and more sustainable environment.
  • Cooperation with law enforcement : GEVs provide assistance and cooperation to the competent authorities when infringements or environmental emergencies occur, ensuring effective support to quickly and adequately resolve any type of problem.

Environmental education is a crucial component of the activities of the Volunteer Ecological Guards (GEV) . The goal is to raise awareness among the population on ecological issues and promote sustainable behaviors for the protection of the environment.

Exhibition «Man, Forests, Climate»

Volunteer Ecological Guards (GEV) play an essential role in community education and awareness. They are actively engaged in promoting sustainable behaviors, encouraging respect and protection of the natural environment. Through their initiatives, GEVs work to increase public awareness of the importance of environmental sustainability.

The GEVs of Modena, like those of other regions, are involved in various environmental education initiatives, including:

  • School Projects : They work with schools of all levels to organize lessons, workshops and outdoor activities that help students understand the importance of biodiversity, recycling and conserving natural resources.
  • Public events : They participate in fairs, exhibitions and ecological days to spread knowledge and raise public awareness on various environmental issues.
  • Information campaigns : distribute educational materials such as brochures, posters and how-to guides to encourage environmentally responsible behavior.
  • Laboratories and workshops : organize practical sessions for adults and children on specific topics such as waste sorting, composting and sustainable energy.

Environmental education not only raises awareness, but also motivates people to take concrete steps to protect our planet.

The Volunteer Ecological Guards (GEV) of Modena work closely with the Civil Protection to ensure the safety and environmental protection of the region. This collaboration includes environmental surveillance , education and awareness-raising , and intervention in emergencies such as floods, fires, and earthquakes.

The GEVs are integrated into the Civil Protection rescue machine, participating in specific training courses and working in synergy with other volunteers and local authorities. This commitment has been recognized since their 1989 statute, and continues to evolve to better respond to the needs of the community

The Volunteer Ecological Guards (GEV) of Modena actively collaborate with the Forest Fire and Sighting Service (AIB) of the Province of Modena. This service is coordinated by the Civil Protection in collaboration with the State Forestry Corps and other local organizations.

During the summer season, the forest fire-fighting service is particularly active, with over 200 volunteers working in seven fixed high-altitude lookout points and mobile patrols. The GEVs participate in specific training courses for forest fire-fighting and are equipped with tools such as off-road vehicles with AIB modules, personal protective equipment, blowers, binoculars, compasses, topographic maps and portable radios.

Official website of the Volunteer Ecological Guards of the Province of Modena

Who we are